Hello from Germany!

This is my first compo game. Also the first time doing all the assets myself. I used the chance to learn a litte blender modelling and i am happy with the result.

This game isn't the most complex one out there but it has a chill out feel to it with a litte action at the end.

What is this about?

You are the boyfriend of a nice lady. The problem is, she is buying new plants every day and you are the one taking care of them. That is a very hard job and some dead plants are unavoidable. How long can you keep them alive?

How to play

Move plants via drag & drop into and out of the sun. If plants are in the sun too long, they burn. But they need the sun or they die.

Plant language

I need more light!

Less light, please.

AAh, help i'm burning.

Thanks for playing.



* Unity

* Blender and Aseprite for visuals

* Audacity and ChipTone for sounds


CrazyCatLady.zip 33 MB
CrazyPlantLady.apk 29 MB


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